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Divya Padmanabhan


After Effects

Premiere Pro



To understand and create three novel microinteractions for phone/desktop applications.


This project was part of the couse ‘DE635: Interface Design’ by Prof Venkatesh Rajamanickam during my Master’s in Interaction Design at the IDC School of Design.

We had to prototype three novel microinteractions in existing applications for phone/desktop.

  1. Parlez-vous anglais?

    This idea came into my head when I had to correspond with people who didn’t use English as their first language.I thought of an auto-translation mechanism on WhatsApp that could suggest translated versions of the message you type in English.

    iPhone Translation
  2. What’s the time again?

    This idea came into my head when I had to correspond with people who lived in different timezones. Since we aren’t wary of the time, there are misunderstandings that might come off as being rude, especially in cross-cultural scenarios.

    I thought of a way in which one can view the sender’s messages in the timezone that they are coming from (auto-detected from the country extension in their phone numbers).

    iPhone tsukuru conversation
  3. ‘Out of storage!’

    We all struggle with low-storage space on our phone, and it gets confusing with the numbers being in megabytes and gigabytes. I encoded the same information in the form of apps being glasses and the occupied space being the liquid in them.

    Liquid Storage Space Interaction